Affordable Private individual and group counselling.

Schedule an appointment to talk with a licensed therapist online. Connect from your phone, tablet or computer.

How does it work?

Lifted by Purpose clients can book an appointment by phone or by using our telehealth software provider, Cliniko’s online booking system. They’ll get a confirmation email with a link that lets them easily jump into the call. That way, when their appointment time arrives, all the client will need to do is follow the link, and they’ll enter the virtual counselling room where their counselor will join them. No login or password is required—just one click and they’re in!

Is it safe?

Lifted by Purpose uses Cliniko telehealth software to store and secure client data. All video calls are secured with end-to-end encryption and meet the same strict privacy and security standards. Cliniko meets or exceeds all regulations for Privacy Principles, GDPR, PIPEDA, and HIPAA.

How much does it cost?

The cost of counseling through Lifted by Purpose ranges from $45 to $90 per visit (billed per session). You can cancel your session at least 48hrs in advance.


Support Available

The professionals who work through Lifted by Purpose are licensed and credentialed therapists who were certified by their state’s board to provide therapy and counseling. Please note that your provider won’t be able to make any official diagnosis or prescribe medication. However, will be able to provide therapy, referral letters and resources to address needs.

How long until I am matched with my counselor?

This process can take a few hours or a few days, depending on counselor availability.

How can I communicate with my Counselor?

You can get counseling in two ways:

  • Speaking over the phone with your counselor
  • Video conferencing with your counselor

You can use different ways at different times as you wish, based on your needs, availability, and convenience

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